Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So here it goes

I have a blog! Yes, I know, that's pretty lame for a first blog post. Check back soon for updates.

In the meantime, check out this link:

D posted it on Facebook awhile ago. I was inspired by it then, and am still inspired by it now. It's about taking pictures- but in general it is more about getting off your ass and doing something for yourself and for fellow mankind.

I'm taking charge.

I'm finally finishing grad school. I HAVE to. It's holding me up. I want to do so much, and so much is contingent on me having those three useless, er- important- letters after my name.

I'm pursuing my passion for photography, in any way that I can. I am getting my name out there. Who cares if I'm not a "pro" or if I don't have any fancy studio. I'll never get there if I don't practice.

So hold me to it. If you see me or talk to me, ask me how I'm doing on what I posted on my blog. Call me out. I may scowl at you but I'm sure I will thank you later.

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